tv antenna signal strength fluctuates

TV Antenna Signal Strength Fluctuates: Troubleshooting Guide

April 22, 2022

You can have the best TV antenna but still have fluctuating strengths in the TV signal. The reason for this can be distance from transmission towers, TV tuner sensitivity, type of antenna, and more. 

Nonetheless, knowing how to boost your antenna signal can relieve some serious headaches and allow you to enjoy your channels in peace. We’ll look at why your TV antenna signal strength fluctuates and how you can stop that from happening and enjoy your connection. 

Guide to Improve TV Signal Strength When It Fluctuates

1. Get Rid of Obstacles 

The more the signals bounce before they get to your antenna, the weaker the signals will be. Therefore, you want to ensure that the line of sight from the transmission tower is as clear as possible. 

Some obstacles include buildings, walls, trees, and hills. These obstacles can make your signals bounce several times and make them weaker. 

Therefore, if you can raise your mast height or even reposition your antenna for the best reception, the better. 

2. Replace Poor Antenna Connections

You can have the best antenna installation but still your TV antenna signal strength fluctuates. Sometimes the truth is that the problem is with the connection from the antenna to your TV. 

Therefore, checking that all the middlemen are okay will save you the headache of having to replace your antenna or changing the TV antenna direction

Some of the connections to check include the coaxial cable running from the antenna. Check to ensure that there’s no fraying or brittleness. If you live in an area with extreme weather conditions, you should the part of the cable that is up there on the roof. 

You can check for rusting, breaks, and cuts. Run through the entire cable carefully inspecting it for any damage. This is where your TV signals may be getting weaker. 

You can also choose to replace the coaxial cable if you feel like it’s too weak. Once you’re sure that everything is in order, you can move on to the next step. 

3. Run A TV Channel Scan

New channels come up every now and then. A good scan will allow you to see these new channels and add them to your list. 

It will also troubleshoot any problems that may be hidden with your TV channels. 

4. Use A Signal Amplifier 

A signal amplifier is also called a signal booster and helps fix the problem of a low-sensitivity TV tuner. 

A signal amplifier is great if you are having trouble receiving TV signals. Simply place this signal amplifier between your TV and your antenna to boost the TV signal. 

If you are using a good DTV converter box, this also works wonders. If you decide to go this route, you’ll need to connect the coaxial cable from your antenna to the amplifier instead of taking it directly into the TV. 

You’ll then take the output of the amplifier into the TV input. You also need to connect your signal amplifier to power. Therefore, if you need to buy a new extension cable, get that as you are buying your amplifier. 

If you have multiple TVs, you’ll need to use a separate antenna for them if you are having problems with the strength. On the other hand, consider using a distribution amplifier. This type of amplifier ensures that the signal from the antenna isn’t split. 

Connect the main cable from the antenna to this amplifier and connect outputs from the distribution antenna to your various TVs. This will ensure that the signal isn’t weakened on the way to you. 

Depending on the brand and the number of outputs you’ll need, the price of your distribution amplifier may vary. 

5. Use A Rotor

A rotor comes in handy when you are receiving TV signals from various directions. This is the case when you’re dealing with multiple transmission towers. However, note that rotors are an investment because of their price. 

Nonetheless, you can use the rotor to direct your antenna to the transmission towers you are targeting. You’ll be able to add new channels to your TV listings and have a more enjoyable experience. 

However, note that you’ll need to rescan your channels when adding new ones to your list. This means that you might lose some channels that your antenna is not now receiving. 

6. Move your Antenna 

This applies to your indoor antenna. Remember that obstacles still apply to indoor antennas. Therefore, you don’t want the signals to get bounced around your house before they get to your TV. 

This means that you may have to move your antenna to a place that is more suitable. This applies whether you are only watching TV channels or are streaming channels from Roku

For example, you can move your antenna near the window to avoid any interference from things in the house. If you can place it in a higher position, the better. However, the cable running from the antenna to your TV shouldn’t be too long. 


We hope that these steps and tips have helped. Remember to reduce the number of times your signals bounce before they reach your antenna to increase the TV signals’ strength. 

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